Astitva.... The Fountainhead

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Life plays its own sweet games

You are at a stage in life when everything in life seems to be going great. You are on a winning streak. Things are going so well for so long that you have stopped considering the possibility of anything going wrong. You are at the top of the world.

And then something happens......An incident that shakes the foundation that the past success has built. Possibly one small incident that at its occurence was just inconspicuous. But it grows big.... and takes a form that you could never have imagined. This one failure/mistake/weak moment turns out to have a greater impact than that of all the recent success.

You are back at ground zero. Having realised that there was weak spot. That you too were vulnerable.... Knowing well enough that disaster strikes when least expected... That success can cause a high..... one that will not last long.

Here we are.....back to square one... a little more cautious that before... more knowledgeable... more mature to the taste of success... With one more lesson learnt...

That life plays its own sweet games.