Astitva.... The Fountainhead

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Change... the motivation

I believe in change... I live on change.. I have realised that its change that drives me... Change has always brought me more good than keeping things same. It is applicable to all walks of life. May it be career, personal, social, you name it and I'll give you an example out of my book of life where change has done me good.
But there are more important aspects to change than change itself. What should change and what should not? How often and when should one change?

What should change and what should not?The question that needs to be answered here is whether you are happy with the current state? Things that you are unhappy about should definitely be changed. The extent of change would vary from case to case. Also noteworthy is the idea that change should always be positive. Example, if you are having relationship issues, it's better to change the situation by mending/fixing it than running away from it. Of course there are situations in which mending does not really work. One has to make a judgment call in that case. If you find yourself making that judgment call far too often, you are definitely running away than fixing it.
Or in other words, you are changing too much too often. Which brings me to the second question.
How often and when should we change? Is there a scale that should be followed, Definitely no. Should you change things even when all is looking good. Not really I would say. But there are times when change has not occurred for a long time. Such cases over a long period of time may bigger problems later. Most humans, by nature like not to change if they meet a basic minimum comfort level they have defined for themselves. Over a long period of time such human tendency leads to laziness, taking things for granted and unwillingness to change even though you know tat change is good for you. These are times when change is required for the sake of change. When change should be made coz change is a part of life. You never know when the next change may come by and you would find yourself lost.
So think about the last time you changed something in your life.