The Cynic
A faultfinding captious critic;
One who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest;
Incidents & experiences in our lives may make us cynic at times. Broken hearts and lost trust, lost confidence and shattered faith. However big or small these incidents may be, they make an impact in defining who we are and what we believe in.
...Is everyone out there to get you?
...Are humans really good at heart?
...Does everyone want something from you?
...Are there selfless people in this world apart from you?
I believe that good and bad events tend to average out in life. Of course some people have a better luck than others but that is equivalent of having additional icing on your share of the cake.
The key point here is to keep a positive attitude and look out for those good times.
...Times when people have been selfless.
...When people have given up their interest for the greater good of others.
...For times when a strangers have helped you when you were in trouble.
...For times when people have loved you without expectations.
Merry Christmas!!
One who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest;
Incidents & experiences in our lives may make us cynic at times. Broken hearts and lost trust, lost confidence and shattered faith. However big or small these incidents may be, they make an impact in defining who we are and what we believe in.
...Is everyone out there to get you?
...Are humans really good at heart?
...Does everyone want something from you?
...Are there selfless people in this world apart from you?
I believe that good and bad events tend to average out in life. Of course some people have a better luck than others but that is equivalent of having additional icing on your share of the cake.
The key point here is to keep a positive attitude and look out for those good times.
...Times when people have been selfless.
...When people have given up their interest for the greater good of others.
...For times when a strangers have helped you when you were in trouble.
...For times when people have loved you without expectations.
Merry Christmas!!